Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Numan Report November 3rd 2011:

Some may give all credit the girls soccer team for bringing home state, I personally give credit to Numan, who blessed them with his presence at the game thus making them perform better.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Numan Report October 30th 2011:

Numan is the man,
Who does something...
This was gonna be a haiku but I couldn't think of a 7 syllable line...

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Numan Report October 26th 2011:

Today on the Numan report we have exciting news! After days of of interrogation its been announced that he will be Laalaa the tele-tubby for Halloween!
Now for some Numan Favorites:

Color: Lavender
Saying: Gives me a giggle (so use it a lot when he's around)
Person: Oprah & Jorge

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Numan Rep0rt, October 25th 2011:

Today in English class Numan had a glimmer of knowledge, a smidgen of brilliance, but Jon Jr. challenged Numan when they spoke at the same time; however, order was restored at once when Jon Jr. allowed Numan to speak his mind thus reestablishing his dominance. (EXTRA EXTRA* Jorge defeats Numan in fantasy football by a grand total of 2 points.)

*EXTRA EXTRA segments are an additional segment on a certain interaction between Jorge and Numan.

P.S. Though I am limited to a one sentence summary I never said it wouldn't be a run on!

Monday, October 24, 2011

The Numan Rep0rt, October 24th 2011:

I'm going to MAETH! (oops you don't know what I'm saying o.O). TEASER: Tomorrow we get inside information on Nuwan's halloween costume!

An Introduction to the Numan Rep0rt

Alas young travelers, welcome to the blog of ages, specifically the age of 16. 16 years after January 6th 1995, ironically the year of the pig. In chinese pig is the character 猪 or "zhu" (first tone, as if holding a note), pronounced just like the word jew. Though the first 6,134 days are lost as they have not been recorded, I am pleased to announce from this moment forward a one sentence summary comprised of Numan's day will be found at this exact blog: THE NUMAN REP0RT (with a zero not ah 'oh'). NEVER GONNE GIVE YOU UP, NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOWN... (THE GAME) I am your host George John Vojta II, pleased to conduct you on a world of adventure, one day-NO-one sentence at a time. There's no turning back once you have read about the riveting life of Numan, famous for his role as the "social studies human", you'll be hooked like a 5th grade essay. The line and sinker are to come so sit back, relax, and boom goes the water melon.